
Erotic sexual denial


In human sexual behavior, foreplay is a set of intimate psychological and physical acts between two or more

people meant to increase sexual arousal.

Foreplay involves different acts such as kissing, touching,embracing, talking, and teasing (teasing, in this case, may include methods of satisfaction, such as erotic sexual denial). Sexual stimulation of all kinds, such as manual or oral stimulation of erogenous zones are considered foreplay. Sexual role playing, fetish activities, and BDSM can also be considered foreplay, though they may also accompany intercourse and not just precede it. Of the various forms of foreplay, the most common include fellatio and cunnilingus.

Foreplay eventually turns physical. Simple and possibly innocuous acts, such as straightening someone's clothing or hair, bumping into someone while walking, stroking someone's arm, or whispering in someone's ear can constitute foreplay. One may also hold hands, touch the face,kiss, "bite", tickle, or massage.
As comfort increases, so usually does the level of intimacy. More intimate examples include:

- Deep tongue kissing, also known as French kissing;
- Touching and massaging erogenous zones over clothing, also known colloquially as groping or"heavy petting";
- Rubbing together erogenous zones over clothing, also known as dry humping or grinding;
- Undressing oneself or partner, also known as stripping.
There are many types of foreplay. Stimulation with the hands is the most common form, followed by oral stimulation. Foreplay is to provide sexual pleasure and arousal. The act is generally the act of preparing one's partner for sexual intercourse, though it does not exclude the chance of orgasm if applied rigorously.

Direct manipulation of naked erogenous zones is almost always considered foreplay (except in a medical context). In women, this includes stimulation of the clitoris and vulva. In men, it includes stimulation of the penis and scrotum. For both sexes, it could include stimulation of nipples andanus. Stimulation can be achieved by mouth, hands, sex toys like dildos or vibrators, or common household objects like feathers or ice cubes. Direct manipulation of naked erogenous zones is not considered foreplay when it is not preparatory for further sexual acts. For example, mutual masturbation and oral sex are often considered final sexual acts; as final acts with no expectation of further sexual congress, these are not considered foreplay.

Foreplay tends to become increasingly physical and intense as the couple moves closer to intercourse. It reaches its peak in the moments just before intercourse, when it induces a strong mutual desire for penetration. During the final stage of foreplay, genital teasing may take place for a brief time. Technically, foreplay ends with intromission, or the beginning of intercourse. In practical terms, however, the continuity between foreplay and intercourse may be very great, since the couple may continue to engage in foreplay-like behavior during intercourse.

Safe sex practices can be incorporated as part of foreplay. A condom or dental dam can be applied in an erotic or playful way as part of the final stages of foreplay.

Function and effects
Psychologically, foreplay lowers inhibitions and increases the emotional comfort of the partners. Physically and takes close to intercourse, it stimulates the process that produces an erection in men, allowing them to penetrate an orifice. In women, it helps stimulate the process that leads to erection of the clitoris, raising of the cervix (elongation of the vaginal canal), and the production of vaginal lubrication, allowing penetration to take place comfortably.

Erotic sexual denial
Erotic sexual denial, also known as orgasm denial, is a sexual practice in which a person is kept in the plateau phase of sexual arousal for an extended length of time without satisfying climax. This is sometimes practiced in association with BDSM, and can be thought of as a more extreme version of orgasm control, which ends in satisfying climax. The subject may either be allowed an orgasm at the end (in which case, the orgasm is generally much stronger than normal), or denied one, in which case they will generally feel strong feelings of sexual frustration.
An alternative form of erotic denial is t
he total denial of all genital stimulation. To ensure a total denial of stimulation a couple may use a chastity device that physically prevents touch and/or full erection.

Erogenous zone
An Erogenous zone is an area of the human body that has heightened sensitivity and stimulation of which normally results in sexual response. There is individual variation in sensitive areas, but the majority of men and women have common erogenous zones, both areas of the skin, and the penis in men and clitoris in women.
There are two types of erogenous zone response in the skin: nonspecific and specific.


The skin is similar to normal haired skin and has the normal high density of nerves and hair follicles. These areas include the sides and back of the neck, the axillae (armpits) and sides of the thorax. An exaggerated tickle and anticipatory response are responsible for the heightened sensual response.
These areas produce stronger sensation and include the genitals, including prepuce, penis, clitoris,vulva and perianal skin, scrotum, lips, and nipple. The rete ridges of the epithelium are well formed and more of the nerves are close to the external surface of the skin than in normal haired skin.

Private Area
Female genitalia
The clitoris, is a visible button-like structure located above the labia, and is covered by a small fold of skin known as the clitoral hood. It has the densest nerve supply of any part of the skin.
Located past the clitoris, just above and on either side of the urethral opening is sensitive erectile tissue known as the Skene's gland, or U-Spot.

Male genitalia
The penis is the most sensitive erogenous zone in the male body. In particular, the natural glans(head) and frenulum (foreskin) are highly sensitive and may elicit strong sensations from the slightest touch or movement. The ridged band, theorized by John R. Taylor, is believed to be a sensitive part of the penis as well.

Moving from the hairy skin to the glabrous skin around the anus the nerve networks rise higher in the skin and the mucocutaneous end-organ becomes apparent at the vermilion border, occurring frequently in this transition zone. The Vater-Pacini corpuscle is deep in the subcutaneous tissues, and into the anal canal.

Nibbling and biting with moderate pressure(love bites)so that the partner does not feel pain is very erotic on the sides of the waist. Licking and tracing fingers over a partner's body is also very stimulating.
Biting the lower lip softly.

Sticking your tongue in your partner's mouth and licking the top of mouth.
The neck and clavicle area is a very sensitive region. Licking, kissing, and caressing here are very arousing to many people, hence the term "necking". The neck area is very prone to broken blood vessels; rough kissing can leave bruises known as love bites, commonly referred to as "hickies" or "monkey bites" . Additionally the back of the neck is very sensitive to arousal by lightly caressing.

Licking and sucking gently on earlobes is arousing to many people. Also, whispering or breathing softly in one's ear can also be very pleasurable.

The areola and nipple contain Golgi-Mazzoni, Vater-Pacini and genital corpuscles. No Meissner's corpuscles and few organized nerve endings are present. There are concentrations of nerve tissue in the area of ducts and masses of smooth muscle. The hair surrounding the areola adds additional sensory tissue. The mass of smooth muscle and glandular-duct tissue in the nipple and areola block the development of normal dermal nerve networks which are present in other erogenous regions and the development of special end organs. Indeed, the entire breast has a network of nerve endings, and they have the same number of nerve endings no matter how large they are. Accordingly, smaller breasts are more sensitive while larger breasts can be stimulated (e.g. fondled, bitten, sucked) more forcefully. Intense stimulation of a woman's nipples may result in a surge in the production of oxytocin and prolactin which could have a significant effect on her genitals. Placing a man's face inbetween the cleavage also incrases sexual pleasure and breast size.

Armpits have an errogenous effect by releasing a male pheromone. When absorbed nasally by a female who is ovulating, this will have sexually stimulating effect. On the contrary, a female not ovulating will typically find this unpleasant


The fingertips have many nerves and are responsive to very light touches, like the brushing of a tongue or light fingernail or teeth stroking. The sides are somewhat less sensitive and more ticklish. Both light and firmer touches work well at the junction of the fingers.

Feet & Toes
Due to the concentration of nerve endings in the sole and digits of the human foot, the sensations produced by sucking or licking the feet can be pleasurable. Similarly, massaging the sole of the foot produces similar nervous stimulation.